Xcellent morningXecutive

Xcellent morningXecutive
Xcellent morningXecutive thinkingXpress feelingsXcite talents2 give U a peaceful &a joyful Life Style.Have a greatful sunrise. happy morning

Jan, 16 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     906 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Everything about the Future is uncertain, but one thing is sure. GOD has already arranged all our tommorows, we just have to trust Him.gd mrng
Ppl often feel smthin bt xpress smthin else Dey mean smthin but say smthin else So learn d art of sayin nothin in such a way dat it leavs nothin unsaid…Gudmrg
It feels gud to stand on ground & Watch up high at ur aim. Bt it Feels best when u stand up high & othrs watch u as their aim THINK BIG.GM
Never let go of a dream until you are ready to wake up and make it happen. Trials in life are not to make us fail but to see how far we can conquer.
Whenever you get pains in your life. just think about the fullform of pains. ‘positive attitude in negative situation’ follow it & your life will change.. good morning…
This is a chocolate msg for a dairy milk person from a fivestar friend for a melody reason at a kitkat time on a munch day in a perk mood. Gud MRNG.
Beautiful things happens to beautiful People with Beautiful Hearts in Beautiful places. I pray this day add more Beauty to ur Beautiful Life… Good Morning
5 Steps 2 A Lovely Mrng.Close Ur Eyes,Take A Deep Breath,Open Ur Arms Wide,Fel Ur Heart Beat&Say " It Is 2 Early,Let Me Sleep Again.G'Mrng
Waves r always our inspiration ,not bcoz of they look beautiful... But whenever they go down they come up with a greater speed.... G'Mrng!
STRENGTH grows when we dare..UNITY grows when we cheer..LOVE grows when we share &RELATIONSHIP grows when we care!GD MRNG
May Ur Today Be, All U Ever Hoped For & Fondly Bring Ur Way PEOPLE Who Touch Ur Life With Endless Joy & Make U Happy Always.GUD MRNG
Life is cricket, Dont lose ur wicket,Try 2 get century,Never 4get ur boundry,Even if u r run out, Never become mood out,BeCOZ GOD Is 3rd umpire.good morning