If u wait to b happy

If u wait to b happy
If u wait to b happy, you will wait forever, but if you start to b happy, you will be happy forever! Gud Day

Jan, 16 2012     108 chars (1 sms)     863 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Birt was not our choice, Death will not be our choice, but the way we live our life is our choice.. absolutely ours.. so make every moment worthwhile...gd mrng
Achievers never Expose themselves. But their Achievements Expose them. So lets do some SMARTWORK to become BEST in the FUTURE:GM
A 'Best Friend' is like a Chocolate & a True Friend is like Glucose! 1 True Friend is more Useful than 100 Best Friends! GD MRNG
life spent with sumone 4 a lifetime maybe meaningless but few moments spent with sumone who realy likes u is morethan life itself..good morning.have a nice day
Be in TodayBelieve in TodayBehave in TodayBe alive in TodayBcozYesterday died for Today&Tomorrow takes birth from TodayGood Day
"The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems,but those who find happiness in problems and learn to live with things
Happy I DAY"Happiness Always Looks Small When We Hold It In Our Hands.But When We Learn To Share It,We Realize How Big And Precious ItIs.
"LITTLE" is what i talk to U.."LOT" is what i like about U.."HAPPINESS" is what i wish for U.."REMEMBER ME" is what i expect from U..Gud mrng
Searching for me... Luk towards ur left ... Did'nt found me.. luk towards ur right ... Still can't find now Luk into ur HEART... *Good*Morning*
Dont think how many moments in your life, just think how much life is there in a moment.
I woke up a few hours ago, but somehow I feel incomplete till I remembered I haven't texted you yet. Have a pleasant morning!
Nice people are the best part of our memories, that time can never erase and when l am blessed with people like you, my memories are always worth treasuring.GD MRNG