Do not pray

Do not pray
Do not pray for easy lives.Pray to be stronger.Do not pray for task equal to ur powers.Pray for powers equal to your tasks.GOOD MORNING

Jan, 16 2012     135 chars (1 sms)     790 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Time is lik a river U can't touch the same water twice bcoz the flow that has passed wil never pass again Cherish every moment of ur life.. Good morning.
I send my care 2 to the wind n told the wind 2 pass them to U. So when u feel the wind blowin against ur face its me saying take care & Always be fit & happy.GM
Dont take life too seriously,Always find time to laugh… Remember that laughter not only adds years to ur life,But adds more Life to ur Years….gd mrng
Feeling r created by heart n feeling r controlled by mind so give importance to mind not to heart. Bcoz Al difficulties comes frm feelings.GM
If u cry because the sun has gone out of your life,your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars To be upset over what you dont have is to waste what you do have GOOD MORNING . Have a nice day
Sometimes I forget 2 say hi, sometimes I forget to reply, sometimes my msg doesn’t reach u, but it doesn't mean I forget u. I'm just giving u time to Miss mrng
Always remember:= Success comes in private. But failure hits in public. Wishing you a happy & successful week. Goodmrng
May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone in your hand, inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart, and a clear signal all day long. Nice day!
We're not too close in distance. We're not too near in miles. But text can still touch our hearts and thoughts can bring us smiles. Good morning!
D wrst thng in lif is 'ATTACHMENT'- It hrts whn u lose itd bst tng in life is 'LONELINESS' bcoz it teches u evrythn n whn u lose it,u gt evrythnG.GM
Never get too attached to anyone because attachments always lead to expectations & expectations always leads to disappointment G.M.
God Says:Tu Kuch Chahta Hai, Me Kuch Chahta Hu,Hota Wo Hai Jo Main Chahta Hu,Tu Wo Kar Jo Me Chahta Hu,Phir Wo Hoga Jo Tu Chahta He.GD MRNG