Best Thought:"the

Best Thought:"the
Best Thought:"the person who luv u most will trouble n irritate u the maximum,bt whn u drop a tear,he will fight wid the world to stop ur tears."gud mrng

Jan, 16 2012     153 chars (1 sms)     885 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Dont waste time 4 nwanted things,thoughts etc.Take time 4 better ones.It will lead u 2 success.'TIME IS PRECIOUS,LIFE IS SHORT'Be always happy..gud mrng
What looks 2b Nothingfinally that bcomes Everything&what is everything suddenly changes 2 NothingThats Life !Learn 2 Live n Live 2 Learn.GM
5 frogs r sitting on a wall!4 decide to jump off.How many left now??still 5.There's a lot of difference betweenDeciding & Doing Have a great day.
If U Feel Litle Bored,lil Sick,lil Sad or Lost,U Knw Wats Wrng?U R Sufrig 4rm Lack Of Vitamin"ME".So always Stay In Tuch Wid Me.Good Morng.
Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up .GD MRNG
if you are HAPPY you will remember the person whom YOU love.. If you are SAD you will remember the person who loves YOU.GD MRNG
If LOVE & MEMORIES R ur weakest points..then u r the strongest person in the world"Good Morning..
Life is Beautiful One Day One Hour One Min…It's not come Again plz Avoid Avoid Angry plz Speak Lovely to Any PersonSpread ur Smile..Gud morning--
Not all angels have wings some have cell phones too. Thats why your angel is txting you right now greeting you “HELLO” and wishing you to be safe all the time
Truth of life:"U may fall in love with the beauty of someone, but remembr finally U have to live with the charactr, not with the beauty.."GD MRNG
sum1 asked me to discribe u in a sentence. . . i said "individual that makes place in others heart without even knocking at it" G.M.
Early this morning God gave me 3 baskets of fruits -LOVE + HAPPINESS + PEACE OF MIND and told me 2 share them with PPL Dear 2 me. I'm sharing all with U...Good Morning!