A fulfiling future

A fulfiling future
A fulfiling future belongs 2 those wit strong vision and resilence.It doesn’t matter where U might be now.Starting well n finishing strong is what counts.my best wishes

Jan, 14 2012     168 chars (2 sms)     1105 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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Never mind thatwhat others do,Do bettr than urself,Beat ur own records every day & aim for a better Tomorrow, then Success will chase U!BEST WISHES
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe. Best wishes for your exam.
Whatever we do, we must remember our aim at evry moment . If you dream to fly with eagles, don't waste time In swimming with ducks.
A person who can explain color to a blind man can explain everything in life…my best wishes
With my 1 Heart... 2 eyes... 5 litre blood... 206 bones... 1.2million Red Cells... 60 trillion D.N.A.'s... I wish u "All the very best of LUCK"...
On the Chess-board of Life, it's Never Checkmate till you Live. So, Never Quit! There is Always a Possibilty to .BEST WISHES
"Believe where others doubt.Work where others refuse.Save where others waste.Stay where others quit.Dare to differ when you are sure."MY BEST WISHES
B confident in Ur aimB +ve in Ur feelsB simple in Ur problemsB smile in UR LIFEB Creative in Ur ThoughtsSUCCESS will Be YoursBORN2WIN.BEST WISHES
as far as u think 'NOT NOW', succes bcum 'NEVER'… bt as soon as u think 'Y NOT NOW', success surely will bcum 'URS' …BEST WISHES
D worlds most happiest person nvr gets all d best things arnd them. they jus make d best of wat they get.. Best wishes
Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a door that is open to receive friends. And a garden full of memories … of many good things.best wishes
Meaning of some colors, Yellow for special friend, white for peace, orange 4 luck,black for hate, red for love and pink for likeness,So i choose for u Orange Flower. Wish u goodluck