Care for the one who

Care for the one who
Care for the one who shares with u, share with the one who knows u, know the one who MISSES u, MISS the one who WELL WISHES for u, Wish u all the Best

Jan, 14 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     662 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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There is only one difference between Dream and Aim. Dream requires effortless sleep whereas Aim requires sleepless efforts.BEST WISHES
Its not ur talent or d gift at birth not ur bank book dat determines worth not d color/texture of ur skin Its ur attitude dat lets u win.BEST WISHES
GOLDEN WORDS by MARTIN LUTHER KING : If u can't fly, run. If u can't run, walk. If u can't walk, crawl.But whatever u do, keep on moving towards ur goal.BEST WISHES
Winners have dreams,Losers have schemes!Winners see the grains,Losers see the pain!Winners see the potential,Losers see the past..BEST WISHES
Whenever u win in life,win as if u r used 2it. And whenever u lose in life,lose as if u enjoyed losing Just4a change.BEST WISHES
If U stand 4 a reason,be prepared to stnd alone lik a Tree.If U fal on da ground,fal as a Seed tat grows bck to fight agaiN.BEST WISHES
"God Bless U"is such a litlle prayr but it means so much. It means may d Lord with His gracious hands give u more den u hv prayd for ! God bless u:
The Moment You Think Of Giving Up,Think Of The Reason Why You Held So Long.DO Or DIE Is An Old Saying, DO IT BEFORE YOU DIE Is The New One.MY BEST WISHES
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotton pastU cant go on well in life until U let go of ur past failures n heartaches.BW
In the fight between wave & rock on seashore, Wave always wins.Not through strength,but through persistence.Dont ever GIVE UP until you win.BEST WISHES
Happiness is like a butterfly, u run after it, it keeps flying away. If u stand still it comes & sits on ur shoulders. Wish u the most happiest moments!
Most InspirAtionAl Sentence- " A Ship is AlwAys sAfe At the Shore.But it wAs not Built for thAt."So tAke Risk And Achieve More.-ThAt's U wAnna to wishes