To accomplish great

To accomplish great
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe. Best wishes for your exam.

Jan, 14 2012     124 chars (1 sms)     794 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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On the Chess-board of Life, it's Never Checkmate till you Live. So, Never Quit! There is Always a Possibilty to .BEST WISHES
As a final incentive before giving up a difficult task,try to imagine it succeessfully accompliced by someone you voilently wishes
Think you are well, and all that is well with you. And nature will read your thoughts and make them true.Best wishes to you
Never Mind Criticism If it is Untrue DISREGARD it. If it is Unfair STAY CALM. If it is Ignorant SMILE. If it is Justified LEARN From it.BEST WISHES
Winning is possible 1 each and every 1,but the fact is that we must take the situation given by the life as a challenge and face it. Success is URS..BEST WISHES
In success and failure, in sunshine and rain, in prosperity and adversity be at peace with the world and with yourself..My best wishes
Pearl of wisdom:You'll never get a second chance to make a first impression..but remember the first impression is not the last CHANCE!BEST LUCK
All you need in the life is ignorance and confidence and then success is sure. Good luck.
If you can fly, run. If you can run, walk. If you can walk, crawl. But whatever you do... Keep on moving towards the goal u seek to achieve.BEST WISHES
Confidence helps to set some Aim.But,Self Confidence helps to achieve that Aim.So,never lose Ur Self Confidence.. My best wishes
Never be like the hand that crushed theflower but be like a crushed flower which leaves fragrances in the hands who crushes it. BEST WISHES
Every good thought is a star which leads you on, shining in the dark, making your pathway radiant.Best wishes