A Paper flying in air is due to Luck But A Bird flying in air is its Effort So be a Bird &struggle with hurdles to become Successful Person.BEST WISHHES
When GOD drops needles and pins along ur path in LIFE, dont stay away,, instead pick them up and collect them..they were designed to be STRONG! My best wishes
A wish is just a wish. A resolution is just a resolution. But, goals have deadlines & are stepping stones down the path, the stair-case to your dreams. Gud luck
The candle of hope is the source of light for success in life so don’t loose it. Failures try to blow it out but try to guard it with both your hands.Good Luck to U
The Moment You Think Of Giving Up,Think Of The Reason Why You Held So Long.DO Or DIE Is An Old Saying, DO IT BEFORE YOU DIE Is The New One.MY BEST WISHES