In the world Few

In the world Few
In the world Few Things r GOD gifts, Mother’s love Father’s advise Brother’s care Sister’s fight Baby’s smile & My sms

Jan, 14 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     915 views       General

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Smile ever. udas never! speak ever. Gumsum never! share ever. Chupana never! Care ever. Bhoolna never! Bcoz i m ur friend 4ever.take care
In the world Few Things r GOD gifts, Mother’s love Father’s advise Brother’s care Sister’s fight Baby’s smile & My sms
Hazaro Ladkiya Aati HE Hazaro Hi Jati HE Hazaro Hasati HE Hazaro Hi Rulati HE Lekin My Dear Sath Vahi Nibhati HeJo"DOLI"MeBaith K Aati He.
Do u know World's most beautiful sentence? That is, ...BUT, I LV U. and.. World's most selfish/ painful sentence I LOV U, BUT.........
Ja SMS ja,mere sweet yaar ke pass ja,Dheere se jaana,shor mat machana,Busy ho to kuch mat kehna,free ho to :good evening: kehna...
a grl ws sad cz she knew dt d guy she luvd didnt luv hr back. yrs 18r,she saw d guy caryng hs doter.she askd,'wuts her name?"He smyld sadly n sed,'same as urs
Life without ur SMS is Tea W/o sugar, Coffee W/o milk, Bread W/o butter,Salad W/o onion, Candy W/o cream, Chicken W/o spice, Icecream W/o ice, ME W/o U!
5 things I know abt U ! 1. U r a specl person with a wondrful Heart... 2. 3. 4. 5. Bus, baaki kal, Ek din me, Ek joke..
The secret to success is knowing who to blame for your failures
Never ignore somebody who care for you,B"coz You someday may find that u have lost a dimond n u were busy in clloecting stones... "
God is an invisible parent & parents are the visible GodIf u make the visible God happyAutomatically the invisible God becomes happy!
BALANCE SHEET of Life:Birth- Opening. Balance. Death- Closing Bal.Soul- Fixed Asset.Brain- F.D. Heart- Current Asset.Idea- Current A/C.Achievment- Capital.Character- Clossng. Stock.Friends - Gen. Reserve.Behaviour-Goodwill.Patience - Interest Earned.Love- Dividend.Children- Bonus. IssueEducation-PatentsWisdom-Investment.Exp.- Premium A/C.WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW FINANCIAL YEAR