a grl ws sad cz she knew dt d guy she luvd didnt luv hr back. yrs 18r,she saw d guy caryng hs doter.she askd,'wuts her name?"He smyld sadly n sed,'same as urs
Woman has "man" in it.Mrs has "Mr" in it, Female has "Male" in it, She has "He" in it and Madam had "Adam" in it. No wonder Man always wants to be inside" Woman."""""""""""
If you eve want 2 suceed in your life, be sweet as Honey, Be regular as Clock .......... .be fresh as rose, Be soft as Tissue, Be strong as Rock and be good as !!!!me.....
Duniya Gol Hai: Chuha Billi se Darta Hai,Billi Kutte se Darti h,Kutta Aadmi se Darta h,Aadmi Apni Biwi se Darta hBiwi Chuhhe se Darti Hai.Duniya Gol Hai