Walk With Me When your Heart Needs Company Talk to Me When you Feel Alone Trust Me When your Heart Beats More Think Of Me Whenever you Need A True friend.
Who is a friend, A push when u r stoped, a touch when u r lost,a word whenu r quiet, asmile when u r sad,a shoulder when u cry, May u have go0d friends
U know what angels do? They take care of nice people on earth. I told the angels 2 take care of u, she said “NO” U know why? She said angels don’t take care of angels.
A daily thought…A silent tear… A daily thought…A silent tear… A Constant wish that u r near… Words are few but thoughts r deep… Memories of our frenship i’ll always keep!!
may be far 4 a min, 4 a hr, 4 a day, 4 a month, but I’l always b there 4 u. I may not be able to always say good morning, good evening, good night, but, I’ll never say Gud Bye…