Walk With Me

Walk With Me
Walk With Me When your Heart Needs Company Talk to Me When you Feel Alone Trust Me When your Heart Beats More Think Of Me Whenever you Need A True friend.

Jan, 13 2012     154 chars (1 sms)     1157 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Sunrises in the east, Sun sets in the west, Friendship rises from the heart, and ends after death.
when i miss a SPECIAL PERSON, i don't have to go too far,i just have to look inside my HEART, 'coz that's always where YOU are,MY DEAR FRND
Who is a friend, A push when u r stoped, a touch when u r lost,a word whenu r quiet, asmile when u r sad,a shoulder when u cry, May u have go0d friends
If I ever sent U a bunch of roses I will put a fake one in between and will say our friendship will last till the last one dies!
A bit of ur smile is my happinss!A drop of ur tear is my sorrow!A part of ur heart is my life!A hear like mine wil alwys care 4 a frnd.
U know what angels do? They take care of nice people on earth. I told the angels 2 take care of u, she said “NO” U know why? She said angels don’t take care of angels.
frnds are nt game 2 play,frnds r nt just word to say,frnds do not start in june n end in may,frnds means yesterday,today n everyday
a Match stick Glows 4 few swcs. a candle glows 4 few hours., a Sun glows 4 a day., but our relation will glow 4vevr,. whthr v’ll b ther or not….
A daily thought…A silent tear… A daily thought…A silent tear… A Constant wish that u r near… Words are few but thoughts r deep… Memories of our frenship i’ll always keep!!
However high the sky may be,However wide the River may be,However strong the wind may be Just Remember we are the Best Friend Forever…
Sumtimes I miss 2reply, Sumtimes my msg doesn’t reach u, But it doesnt mean I 4get u, bcoz. ur 1of a kind and always in my mind…
may be far 4 a min, 4 a hr, 4 a day, 4 a month, but I’l always b there 4 u. I may not be able to always say good morning, good evening, good night, but, I’ll never say Gud Bye…