Simple music can

Simple music can
Simple music can make u sing, simple hug can make u feel better; simple things can make u happy, hope that my simple Hi will make u smile.

Jan, 13 2012     138 chars (1 sms)     865 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

"Those are the same stars, and that is the same moon, that look down upon your brothers and sisters, and which they see as they look up to them, though they are ever so far away from us, and each other."
The recipe of friendship: 1 cup of sharing.2 cups of caring.3 cups of forgiveness & hugs. Mix all of these together to make friends 4ever.
Qualities a friend must have: Cute as crocodile. Smart as donkey. Active as turtle. Fit as hippo. Matured as monkey. Sincerity like dog. No doubt you are my good friend
Frndshp is like standin on wet cement..The longer u stay,the harder it is 2 leave nd u can never go without leavin footprints behind.
"I VAlue mA friends More thAn I VAlue My Life.So Wen i sAy u r my Friend,Its Just As Gud As sAying u r My Life".
Pain of missing friends is realised when u r alone watching a gang of friends enjoying in front of U and U remembrng d past which u spent with ur friends!
Dear Customer, We would like to inform you that your true friend Mr/Mrs______is missing u a lot. Thank you. Sender: Helpline
Luv is UN-STOPPABLE, Luv is UN-IMAGINABLE, Luv is EMOTIONAL, Luv is DESTINY, Luv is JOY, BUT a FRIEND like U is 1% more then LUV
U r my sweet friend hona,I dont want U 2 khona,I want a place in Ur heart & amp;kona,Otherwise I will start rona.
Some friends r worth 2b thrown, Some r good 2 keep, Some r 2b Treasured 4 ever, and i Think u r one 2 b Thrown... in the Treasure Box 2 b kept 4 ever.
Each day with someone new, I do look and never find another you, world is full of people, I know its true, Yet no one could ever equal the FRIEND I found in YOU.
First day ur friendship was like a "wel".... Second day it was like "river"... Third day it was like "sea".... Fourth day it was like a "ocean"...But... Now... It is like "Tsunami"... I will never forget u....