He is poor indeed

He is poor indeed
He is poor indeed that can promise nothing.

Jan, 21 2012     43 chars (1 sms)     932 views       Quotes

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Don't consideryour reputation and you may do anything you like.
The pessimistsees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in everydifficulty.
Patriots always talk of dying for their country, and never of killing for their country
When aman says that he approves something in principle, it means he hasn't theslightest intention of putting it in practice.
Take yourlife into your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing, no one toblame.
Our faults irritate us most when we see them in others.
The greatest intelligence is precisely the one that suffers most from its own limitations.
Man wonders over the restless Sea........ the flowing waters...... the sight of the sky....... and forgets that as all wonders, man him self is the mast wonderful.
Evena sheet of paper has two sides.
Conflictleads to less-than-adequate performance, resentments, and lack of motivation.
If you follow me, I may lead you straight to hell, but ifyou trust me, I will lead you back out again.
A smallbenefit obtained is better than a great one in expectation.