He is poor indeed

He is poor indeed
He is poor indeed that can promise nothing.

Jan, 21 2012     43 chars (1 sms)     943 views       Quotes

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Every man is entitled to be valued by his best moment
A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon.
The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship.
Prepareby knowing your walk away [conditions] and by building the number ofvariables you can work with during the negotiation... you need to have a walkaway... a combination of price, terms, and deliverables that represents theleast you will accept. Witho
Quite often good things have hurtful consequnces. There are instances of men who have been ruined by their money or killed by their courage.
Itisn't that they can't see the solution. It's that they can't see the problem.
The property of power is to protect.
The pessimistsees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in everydifficulty.
There are three ways of bearing ills of life: by indifference, by philosophy, and by religion.
you cannot establish sound security on borrowed money
No onecan persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that canonly be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either byargument or emotional appeal.
Chances happens to all, but to turn chance to reality is the gift of the few.