He who hurriescannot

He who hurriescannot
He who hurriescannot walk with dignity.

Jan, 21 2012     39 chars (1 sms)     787 views       Quotes

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The greatest humiliation in life is to work hard on something from which you expect great appreciation, and then fail to get.
If an enemyis annoying you by playing well, consider adopting his strategy.
God made time, but man made haste.
Thereis all the difference in the world between having something to say and havingto say something.
Talentalone won't make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at theright time, unless you are ready. The most important question is: 'Are youready?'
Cheat me in the price but not in the goods i purchase.
The ability to laugh together is the essence of love.
Whoever does not know the truth is ignorant, but the one who knows the truth but denies is a criminal
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Whenconflict becomes a win-lose contest in our minds, we immediately try to win.
A slyrabbit will have three openings to its den.
Any child who has parents who are interested in him and has a house full of books isin't poor.