Frndship is nt writn by chalk 2 erase or write again.It's writn with the ink of love on the wall of heart.Once written cannot be change....Happy friends day
Friendship is not written by chalk 2 erase or write again.It's written with d ink of love on the wall of heart.Once written cannot b changed. Dat's f'ship.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
I know friendshp is hard to keep,but even if it gets harder i wont give up., bcoz if its hard 2 keep U,it will be harder 2 find U again.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
DOSTI is sumthng dat no1 cn hate DOSTI is passion v cn nvr rate DOSTI hppn netime early or lat DOSTI is only mdicine widout expirydate.happy friendship day
A good friend is like computer,I enter ur life save ur photo in my hrt,scan& format ur prob,copy & paste ur smle & nevr dlte ur frndshp.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendship means to feel some1 in every HEARTBEAT,to find some1 in every THOUGHT,to see some1 with CLOSED EYES and to MISS some1 without reason….HAPPY FDSHIP DAY
Best relations do not need terms conditions and promises,They need only two wonderful person 1 who can trust and other who can understand. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY