Tring.. Tring..

Tring.. Tring..
Tring.. Tring.. Paper.. Paper.. Hot NEWS.. "Mit wishes U a heartly happy FRieNDSHIP DAY.." Thanx being my frnd.

Jan, 20 2012     111 chars (1 sms)     715 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

Remembr me as a dried flower between the pages of ur book.They might not bear any fragrance but they will always be enriched with memories!HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Days may end without seeing u. Days may end w/o talking 2 u. It may end w/o messaging u. Bt it will nvr end without remembering U. Happy F'Day....
Gr8 frnds r part of memories which time can never erase whn life is blessed wid frnd like U.sweet memories remain 4ever! HAPPY F'SHIP DAY!
"Distance never separates any relation,Time never builds any relation.If feelings are true from heart.then 'Friends' are always "Friends".HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Ek "ROSE" --;--;-<@Un Dosto ke liye Jo milte nahiRoz Roz,Magar Yaad aate hai....HER ROZ.... " Happy friendship day "
Please convey my heartful thanks to ur "Mother" because she has given a special person in my life - that’s U.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.
True friends never go out from our life easily.! But, when it happens, they will comeback at right time without expectation….HAPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
when i said "i do" i was in love but i dont know how much in love i would be when I'd discover the loving father in you happy fathers day
Saath chalne k liye saathi chahiye. Aansu rokne k liye muskan chahiye. Jinda rehnekliye zindagi chahiye.Aur zindagi jeene k liye AAP JAISA DOST CHAHIYE.happy friendship day
Friendship is not written by chalk 2 erase or write again.It's written with d ink of love on the wall of heart.Once written cannot b changed. Dat's f'ship.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
I am glad you’re my father; You’re really the best; As a dad, you’re a fine one; I’m so very blessed.
Friendship isn't abt becoming somebody's perfect best friend..its all abt findin someone who helps you become the best person u can be…HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY