Best relations do not need terms conditions and promises,They need only two wonderful person 1 who can trust and other who can understand. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
A friend is like gas blown from the ass, which creates noise n nuisance to others but gives me a great comfort. Thanks for being gas of my ass. Happy Fship day
Being a frnd is not just sharing a joke,a conversation,a cup of coffee or a funny storyIt means sharing an honest n true part of urself.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Alone i can only say,but 2gether v can shout.Alone i can only smile but 2gether v can laugh.Alone i can only live but 2gether v can celebrate.Thts frndship.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
do you know why i feel like the luckiest girl on earth? coz i have gotta bestest dad in the world YOU i'm so proud to be daddy's girl happy fathers day
Friendship is a promise made in the heart Silently, Unwritten, Unbrekble by distance, Unchngeble by time, Nice 2 have a friend like YOU *H'PY FRIENDSHIP DAY*
Frndshp dsn't occur wit special people..Bt people bcm special after being frnds..I dnt knw wat I am 2u,bt u r alwys special 2me…Take care..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Daddy, I Love You For All That You Do. I'll Kiss You And Hug You 'Cause You Love Me, Too. You Feed Me And Need Me To Teach You To Play, So Smile 'Cause I Love You On This Father's Day.