Days may end

Days may end
Days may end without seeing u. Days may end w/o talking 2 u. It may end w/o messaging u. Bt it will nvr end without remembering U. Happy F'Day....

Jan, 20 2012     146 chars (1 sms)     689 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

I know friendshp is hard to keep,but even if it gets harder i wont give up., bcoz if its hard 2 keep U,it will be harder 2 find U again.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Dosto ki kami ko pehchante he,Duniya k gamo ko bi jante he Ap jese dosto ka sahra heTabi to ajbi 'Haskar' Jina jante he!Hpy Frndship day!
''HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY''bcoz Kabirji ne kaha tha-'Kal kare so aaj kar, aaj kare so ab, network fail ho jayega,wish karoge kab?'wishing you sab se pahele.
Please open ur eyes, so the Sun can rise, flowers can blossom, birds can sing, as all r waiting to see a beautiful SMILE on ur face & say Gud Morning!
Best relations do not need terms conditions and promises,They need only two wonderful person 1 who can trust and other who can understand. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Stars are unapproachable…Sun is very hot… Moon is 2 far…So God gave me a friend like u so that I can say 'I've my own little Universe!.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Dont be happy for a reason, because that happiness ends with the reason. Be happy without any reason and you will be happy for ever..Happy FRNDSHP DAY
A-Z about = FRIEND =A Friend is one who,Accepts u,Belives u,Commands u,Disturbs u,Encourages u,Forgives u.
i am a little bird sitting at ur windows waiting for the first ray of sun will touch ur eyes and i can tell u HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.
Days may end without seeing u. Days may end w/o talking 2 u. It may end w/o messaging u. Bt it will nvr end without remembering U. Happy F'Day....
To hear what is unspoken, to see what is unseen, to feel without even touching is the miracle called "FRIENDSHIP"…HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Dost hai hamara baharon jaisa… Dil hai uska dildaron jaisa…Bahut doston ki zaroorat nahi..,jab Hamara ek dost hi hai hazaaron jaisa.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY