Life laughs at

Life laughs at
Life laughs at u when u r unhappy.Life smiles at u when u r happy. But,Life salutes u when u make others happy.Thanks 4 being a gud frend. Hapy fship day.

Jan, 20 2012     154 chars (1 sms)     779 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

If friends were flowers I would not pick you! I'll let you grow in the garden & cultivate you with love and care so I can keep you as a friend 4ever!.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Can I stay here in ur inbox & wait till 5th Aug so I'll b d 1st person to wish HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY 2u my DEAR FRIEND.So pls don’t delete Me.
This's al abt Dad.!A person who makes his unsuccessful dreams 2b a successful one in ur life.. Behind our every cheers,wil be his tears.
Hearts R many but swt hearts r rare.,Lover r many but true loves r rare. Ur names r many but u r one and only one 4 me as a SPECIAL FRND.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendship is wonderful relation which needs nothing in this world except 2 pure hearts to share,luv, play,enjoy,fight, support & to live..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Keeping FRIEND is as difficult as losing one,U sacrifice a lot to keep them. I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u…But in my HEART..I swear I'm keeping U..happy friendship day
To love without condition,to talk without intention,to give without reason and to care without expectation is the heart of true relation.Happy FRIENDSHIPS Day.
Frendship is like a glass A scratch on any side will reflect on other side too So always handle feelings carefully Bcoz the scratches can't be repaired.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
1chingari angaar se kam nahi hoti,saadgi bhi shringar se kam nahi hoti,ye to dekhne ka fark hai yaro,nahi to dosti bhi pyar se kam nahi hoti.Hpy FRIENDSHIP DAY
Alone i can only say,but 2gether v can shout.Alone i can only smile but 2gether v can laugh.Alone i can only live but 2gether v can celebrate.Thts frndship.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Every Garden Must Have ARose,Every Sweet Face Must Have ASmile,Every Grass Must Have A Dew &Every Person In The World MustHave A FRIEND Like "U"Happy Friendship Day..
Once I happened 2 walk on a very high bridge,I got scared.i saw my frnd on d other side & called him 4 help but there was no reply.i somehow managed & crossed d bridge.then I was shocked 2 see my frnd holdin d end of d broken bridge.just trust ur frnds in all situations,cos tey r ur frnds..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY