A Bond Of Luv, Medal Of Trust, Shouldr In Sadnes, Hand In Darknes, A Spl Relation 2hold, A Ear Wer Secrts Can B Told Is D Magic Frendship!!.HAPPY FRIENDSHIPDAY
Sabhi ko sabh kuch nahi milta nahi,Kisiko hum NAHIN MILTE KOI HUME NAHiN MILTA yeh dil walon ki duniya hai dost,kisi se dil nahi milta to koi dil se nahi milta.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Sath agar doge to muskurayenge zarur Dosti agar dil se karoge to nibhayenge zarur Kitne b KATE kyo na ho raah me Awaz agar doge to ayenge zarur. H'py F'shipDay
Friendship isn't abt becoming somebody's perfect best friend..its all abt findin someone who helps you become the best person u can be…HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Stars are unapproachable…Sun is very hot… Moon is 2 far…So God gave me a friend like u so that I can say 'I've my own little Universe!.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
kinaro pe sagar k khajane nhi ate,phir yadon mei vo dost purane nahi ate,jee lo in hasin palo ko has k janab, phir laut k dosti k zamane nahi aate.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
To love without condition,to talk without intention,to give without reason and to care without expectation is the heart of true relation.Happy FRIENDSHIPS Day.