A Birthday is A

A Birthday is A
A Birthday is A Million Moments, Each holding A Promise Of Fulfillment Of UR Dreams, & ACCOMPLISHMENTS Of Some Special Plans.. Wish U A Very Happy B’DAy

Jan, 20 2012     152 chars (1 sms)     810 views       Occassions > Birthday

more Birthday SMS Messages

Flying papers , multi colours of balloon, delicated blossom, fantastic people, love and laughter. What it describes? HAPPY BIRTHDAY
A heart free from sadness, a mind free from worries, a life full of gladness, a body free from illness, a spirit full of God’s love. My prayers for you today and always. Happy Birthday!
The leaves may 4get da tree, the waves may 4get da sea, the flowers may 4get da bee, or even U may 4get me, BUT I will NEVER 4 get your birthday.HB
Kick off ur shoes,take a break,Crank the tunes,Dance & Shake,light the candles,cut the cake .Make ita a day,that's simply Great!!! Happy B'Day....
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight and wipes wrinkle away. hope u share lots and receive lots 4 days 2 come happy Birthday .......
Baby happy birthday to hope u will always have a good health, more career in life..and hope that more birthdays to come..always take care and i love u so much.
‘This day, when the most beautiful female MIND was born, is my most beautiful day. Luv and Long live.’
I send to you warm wishes,That your happiness will be As wonderful as the happiness, You have always given me. Wish you Happy Birthday
No archies card to give, No sweet flowers to send, No cute graphics to forward, just a CARING heart with lovely saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY
ManY ManY HaPpy RetUrnx Of The DaY MaY gOd giveS You LOng LiFe WiTh YOur WhoLe FamiLy n Ur aLL WiSheX cOmE TrUe GOD BLESS YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY
The innocence of this day bring nack all the fond memories of childhood and laughters of gatherings on this day. ..The day is special and so are you, all the best is wished for you, on your birthday. ..HAPPY BIRTHDAY
My love for you Has a never ending supply It will never be lacking It will never get dry Often I wonder And ask myself, Why do I feel, Without you I’d die