for your birthday……..i want to wish you a happy happy bday & also want you to know that you are loved by all of your friends.always take care.GOD bless you & ur family. love you
Smiles and laughter, joy and cheer new happiness that stays throughout the year hope your birthday brings all these and more filling life with surprise and joys galore!happy birthday
Sweetheart! u r so beautiful my love 4u will always b true, here’s a wish 4 my darling… may all your dreams come true i wish u a very happy birthday. with lots of love and kisses… from a heart that beats… just 4 you by me.
The innocence of this day bring nack all the fond memories of childhood and laughters of gatherings on this day. ..The day is special and so are you, all the best is wished for you, on your birthday. ..HAPPY BIRTHDAY
A Birthday is A Million Moments, Each holding A Promise Of Fulfillment Of UR Dreams, & ACCOMPLISHMENTS Of Some Special Plans.. Wish U A Very Happy B’DAy
Wishing you not just a smile but laughter, Not just happiness but joy, Not just riches but wealth, And most of all love and peace of mind”…“Happy Birthday