Smiles and laughter, joy and cheer new happiness that stays throughout the year hope your birthday brings all these and more filling life with surprise and joys galore!happy birthday
Tumhari is ada ka kya jawab du, apne dost ko kya uphar du, koi accha sa phool hota to mali se mangvata, jo khud gulab hai usko kya gulab du... Junam Din Mubarak Ho
Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone needs you;but it feels much better when you know that someone never ever forgets your birthday."HAPPY BIRTHDAY".
Hum aapke janamdin par dete hain yeh dua Hum aur tum milkar, honge kabhi na juda Jivan bhar sath denge apna he ye vaada Tuj par apni jaan bhi denge, apna he ye irada
I know its ur birthday 2day.. iam sure u. l give me treat in a big hotel.. so i shall talk to u in person there, coz i dunno to xpress my feelings in SMS