I lukd back..

I lukd back..
I lukd back.. Coz I thot I saw U! I listend eagrly.. Thot I heard U! Bt no1 special was around. It jst made me realize.. dat, I'VE Been MISSING U...

Jan, 19 2012     148 chars (1 sms)     783 views       Miss You

more Miss You SMS Messages

Luv can be bad,it can treat u lik dirt.Theres always a risk of u getting hurt.Luv is restless & luv is a flirt.Luv has places to go and people to hurt.
if i nvr met u, i wudnt lyk u. if i didnt lyk u, i wudnt luv u. if i didnt luv u, i wudnt miss u. but i did, i do, & i will.
There are moments in life when u miss some1 so much that u just want to pick them from ur dream & hug them in real..
What is love without two people in it? What is a world with out people? What am I without you? I love and miss you.
You are so away, yet so close, Our hearts are apart, yet they are one.Our memories are whole, they keep us together, our love is strong, it gives us strength. Imiss you and i love you with all my heart.
Scratch & win H____ HE___ HEA__ HEAR_ HEART. Congratulations U have won My Heart . Miss U
No rhythmNo reaSonNo ocaSionNo SeaSonJuST felt like Saying HiI have been missing my friendEver Since da laSt time we Said BYE!!
Andaaz-e-Pyar, aapki ek adaa hai; Duur ho humse, Aapki khataa hai; Dil mein basi hai ek pyaari si tasveer aapki; Jiske neeche I MISS YOU likhaa hai
Why i miss u ! There are three reasons why i miss u. 1. I am not with u. 2. U are not with me. 3. We are not together. Miss U Lot......!
In the flower my rose is U. In the jewel my diamond is U.In the sky my moon is U.I my body my heart is U.That?s why I always Miss U.
U mUz bE tiReD cOz u haF bEEn runNinG thrU mY miNd, u gOttA bE a thiEf coZ u haF stOleN My hEaRt n i muZ haF BeEn a bAd shOotEr CoZ i kEep miSSing u..
The sea spoke to me about his Empire,about his non-ending Density,about his greatness and i spoke 2 him about “U”, He felt so small…