I am in casualty

I am in casualty
I am in casualty now, don't say I didn't tell you. After 5 minutes, I will be transfered to ICU. Doctor told, I will die if I don't STOP.. Missing You

Jan, 19 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     831 views       Miss You

more Miss You SMS Messages

Th0se FRieNDS v ReALLY lUv nEvEr g0 aWAY,THEy walk beSIDE us everyDAY unSEEN & unHEARD.StiLL nEAr.StiLL luVed.StiLL miSSed."SURELY U R THE ONE"
u r in my talks.u r in my eyes.u r in my feelings.u r in my thoughts.u r in my breath.u r in my work.u r in my mind.u r in my dreams.u r in my prayer.u r in my life.because u r in my heart.I miss u.
someone,sumwhere dreams of your smile, when thinkin of you, knows life is worth while, so when your lonely, remember its true, that someone sumwhere is thinking of you! I miss you
Brain:to think of u Eyes:to look at U Hand:to touch U.. Leg:to walk with u. Mouth:to say I MISS U.. Foot:to kick u if u dont MISS ME ..!!!
My teacher taught me that1 Hour =60 min and1min= 60 sec butShe never told me that1 sec without 'YOU' isequal to 100 years.MISS YU
Wenever I miss U, I wont luk 4u in my dreams or try 2 hear ur voice in ur msgs. I'll jus put my right hand across mychest n feel U!
when the sky looks blue…i miss u when the dreams come true …i miss u when the flowers coverd with dew…i miss u when the day new… I MISS U MY SWEET HAERT
I’m enthralled by your beauty, mesmerized by your charisma and spellbound by your love. No wonder I am always thinking about you. I miss you
Every message is a smile ... every word is like a kiss but when you touch me ...remember this ... my life is full with happiness.i miss you
Ur like a target dat I always try 2 aim at. How I wish I cud aim u at d heart. But evrytime I fail, I fil so sad. U know y? Its bcoz I always end up missin u.
Even If I m Alwayz Busy There Is Sill A Moment That I Remember You Converted To Feelings And That Makes Me Missed You ...
U mUz bE tiReD cOz u haF bEEn runNinG thrU mY miNd, u gOttA bE a thiEf coZ u haF stOleN My hEaRt n i muZ haF BeEn a bAd shOotEr CoZ i kEep miSSing u...