Message: * some

Message: * some
Message: * some text missing* Sender:* Name Missing * *Number Missing *Sent: * Date missing * Missing U a lot thats y everything is missing....

Jan, 19 2012     143 chars (1 sms)     849 views       Miss You

more Miss You SMS Messages

If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me. If u save it thats bcoz u desire me & if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me. So what u gonna do with It?
No rhythmNo reaSonNo ocaSionNo SeaSonJuST felt like Saying HiI have been missing my friendEver Since da laSt time we Said BYE!!
I wish one day you will miss me terribly that no matter how hard you look for me, you won"t find me. Why? Because, I want you to miss me the way I"m missing you right now""
Wenever I miss U, I wont luk 4u in my dreams or try 2 hear ur voice in ur msgs. I'll jus put my right hand across mychest n feel U!
Every message is a smile ... every word is like a kiss but when you touch me ...remember this ... my life is full with happiness.i miss you
Scratch & win H____ HE___ HEA__ HEAR_ HEART. Congratulations U have won My Heart . Miss U
So many questions, but the answers are so few, all i really know, is, I MISS YOU !
Brain:to think of u Eyes:to look at U Hand:to touch U.. Leg:to walk with u. Mouth:to say I MISS U.. Foot:to kick u if u dont MISS ME ..!!!
Even If I m Alwayz Busy There Is Sill A Moment That I Remember You Converted To Feelings And That Makes Me Missed You ...
For my heart u're the one & all my thoughts will go to u..I'm longing 4 the day u'll come!I'm missing u and hope u're too..
The sea spoke to me about his Empire,about his non-ending Density,about his greatness and i spoke 2 him about “U”, He felt so small…
i miss u in every beats of my heart,in every blink of my eyes,in every second of time and .... in every movements of day,I MISS UUUUUU...