By following my

By following my
By following my heart I came to you, I only forgot to take something back with me. For my thoughts are still with you.Miss you

Jan, 19 2012     126 chars (1 sms)     840 views       Miss You

more Miss You SMS Messages

I am in casualty now, don't say I didn't tell you. After 5 minutes, I will be transfered to ICU. Doctor told, I will die if I don't STOP.. Missing You
miss u when something really gud happens, coz u’re the one I want to share it with. I miss u when something is troubling me, coz u’re the only one who understands me. I miss u when I laugh and cry, coz I know that u’re the one who makes my laughter grow & my tears dissapear.
Just wondering, wud u smile if I smile at u? wud u say hello if i greet u? wud u talk 2 me if i talk 2 u? wud u add “too” if i tell u i miss u?
Weakly 1 day holiday,Monthly 1 day salary day,Yearly 1 day birthday,Lifely 1 day death day,But sharing ur frndship & missing u is every day.
I MISS YOU in every beats of heart, In every blink of my eyes, In every second of Time and... In every moment of the Day !
Wat makes some people dearer is not just de happiness dat u feel when u meet them but de pain u feel when u miss them.. MISS U........
I heared some whisper ur name,but when i turned around 2 see u who it was , i notice i was alone, i realized it was my heart telling me that I MISS U
I miss u wen sumthng gud happens, coz u're d 1 I wana share it wit. I miss u wen sumthng is troubling me, coz u're d only 1 who understands me. I miss u wen I laugh & cry, coz I knw dat u're d 1 who makes my laughter grow & my tears dissapear.
Wenever I miss U, I wont luk 4u in my dreams or try 2 hear ur voice in ur msgs. I'll jus put my right hand across mychest n feel U!
If only one star would fall every time I miss you, then all the stars in heaven would be gone. Don't wonder if there are no stars tonight! It's your fault coz you made me miss you a lot
If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me. If u save it thats bcoz u desire me & if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me. So what u gonna do with It?
when i’m not messaging or calling u,u don’t think i am not Missing “u”.But i am giving u time to miss “Me”.