I"m lured into

I"m lured into
I"m lured into ur alluring presence like a helpless insect caught by a malicious spider in an inescapable web, wanting 2b satisfied, unable2resist, not in a position2desist captivating ferocious appetite."

Jan, 18 2012     205 chars (2 sms)     824 views       Love

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2 things nvr defined in whole life. 1 is love,coz U never knw who loves U&hw much deeply. 2nd frnd,coz u nvr knw hw deeply dey care abt U.
miles & tym cnt stp wt we hv. ts a bond dt lsts aftr evrytn els n my lyf hs gone wrng.we myt b bth bc doin wt we hv2do, bt f evr ul nid me, il alwys b arnd 4uÜ
You are my dear...together we have nothing to fear...! For together we will always be... I'm so lucky if you chose me...! My heart forever will be true...! I think.......I'm in LOVE with you..!!
Earth may stop Rotating Birds may stop Flying Candles may stop melting Fishes may stop swimming Heart may stop bearting But I will never stop…… “ THINKING U ”
You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.
a heart truly in love never loses hope but always believes in the process of love, no matter how long the time and how far the distance.
Dont belive n dstiny.We shud think of reality. if u really luv dat prsn,u shud fyt 4 it coz dstny is jz an xcuse of LeTTiNG thngs happen insted of MaKiNG thngs hapen!
Fish said to water: u wont ever see my tears, bcause i m in the water. water replied: but i can feel ur tears bcause u r in my heart.Thats love…
Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.
Dear O Dear,You are not Near,But I can Hear,Dont Get Fear,Your memories Here,Live with Cheer,No more Tear
If the people we love are stolen away from us the only way to have them live on is to never stop lovin'them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever…