Do u knw d relation b/w2 eyes? Dey blink 2gthr,dey move 2gthr, dey cry 2gthr, dey c things 2gthr n dey sleep 2gthr. BT STIL dEY NVR c EACH OTHER dats True Love
Luv doesn't ask who r u? Luv only says u r mine. Luv doesn't ask where r u from? Luv only says U live in my heart. Luv doesn't ask what do u do? Luv only says U make my heart beat. Luv doesn't ask why r u far away? Luv only says u r always with me. Luv doesn't ask Do u love me? Luv only says I LUV U.
Whatever you do, I'll walk with you. Hoping that your every dream would come true. Anytime, anywhere, I'll always be there. Wishing you love and happiness because I care.
See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me.
Love is 2 souls intertwined in such a way you cant find their meeting place nor can you tear it apart it is one embodiment of pure pleasure & pain , joy & sorrow
If someone throws a stone towards you, throw love towards him but if someone throw love towards you, then sit for a while & think becoz love hurts more than stone.