Sometimes my eyes

Sometimes my eyes
Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Know why? Coz you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.

Jan, 19 2012     114 chars (1 sms)     852 views       Love

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i caugHt mySLf tNKiN oF d moments Spent w/u. iM a litle LonLy bt bein far frM u gVs me a beautfuL chnce 2 reaLze hw mch u miN 2 me & hw mch i miSs uR compny.
Some say you are ugly, Some say you are jungly, Some say you are pugly, but My Cute Little Heart say You are TOO Lovely
If Your asking if I Need U the answer is 4Ever.. If Your askin if I’ll Leave U the answer is Never.. If Your askin what I value the Answer is U.. if Your askin if I love U the answer is I do.
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i heard sm1 say`dt f wshes`dnt cUm trU``d sky wud CRY..``1nyt,`i t0t of wshn up0n dem`i wsH dt`he wUd jz b`myn agn`bt jZ b4 i`cLosd d`wnd0w 2sLip```it rained..
each day i am with you is better than the last, and my first day with you was the best day of my life.