thE tEst oF fRiEndsHip dOseN't cOmeS wHen u R 2GethEr. It cOmEs wHeN u ParT waYs & u ReaLizE tHat dEsPitE tHe dIsTanCe, thE fRiEndshIp iS sTilL tHeRe...
Sometimes in life v think we dnt need anyone,But sometimes we dnt hve anyone when we need someone,So, hold good people around n never let ur friends go...!!
Softly, the leaves of mem'ry fall, slowly i'll gather & pick them all, Coz 2day, 2morrow & till my life is thru, I'll always cherish knowing a *person like u* !!
what is real but invisible?-ur care. what is true but unfair?-ur absence. what is sweet but naughty?-ur smile. what is precious bur pricelss?-our friendship.
If u drop me, i ‘ll break, If u hold me, i ‘ll shake, If u need me, i’ll hurry, If u don’t call me, i ‘ll worry, If u hurt me, i’ll cry, but friend , If u leave me, i ‘ll die…
some people says 4 life money is important;some says wealth is important,some says beauty is important.but we say 4 life only &only a good friend is important………just like u,