Friendship is a collection

Friendship is a collection
Friendship is a collection of hearts, ready 2 give, share and understand. It never fades & never ends. It only reminds us that life is not perfect without a friend…

Jan, 13 2012     164 chars (2 sms)     686 views       Friendship

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A friend gives LOVE..A gud friend gives PROTECTION..A best friend gives LIFE..But a Real friend gives HEART..LoVe YoU aLL mY FrenZ!
Care for the one who shares with u,Share with the one who knows u... Know the one who misses u,Miss the one who hope the best for u...
A memory lasts forever, and never does it die. True friends stay together and never say good bye.
Friendship is big like UNIVERS,Deep like OCEAN,High like SKY,Strong like ROCK,Kind like MOTHER,Cute like ME and sweet like U....
If I'm in hell & u r in heaven, I'll luk up & b glad of u. If I'm in heaven & u r in hell, I'll pray 2 God 2 send me down coz the heaven is not heaven without U
Every life in dis world has been paintd by God's own hands. Dats y I m thankful b'cos wen He paintd my life, He included 1 Lovely color! Dat's u.
A Nice Frnd is an extension of 1's ownself. Without whom we r incomplete.So take care of urself bcoz i don't want 2 lose a part of myself.
My frndship is like drug, once u take it u can't avoid it, when u don't get it u r sick&wen u lose it u r destroyed.So dont dare 2 forget me
Two things are really important in life Friend Friendship First One, yOu shOuld make. SecOnd One, yOu shOuld kEEp.
Friend is easy to obtain,But once gained,its difficult to maintain,And once lost,it can never be regained. So i will Keep you safe in my heart!
If u r a chocolate ur the sweetest, if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable, If u are a Star u r the Brightest, and since u r my “FRIEND” u r the “BEST”!!!!!!!!!
FRiENDSHiP means to FEEL some1 in every HEARTBiT to FIND some1 in every THOUGHT to SEE some1 with CLOSED EYES & to MiS some1 without reason.