there is a golden

there is a golden
there is a golden bridge called frndship thats spans the river of time and links out hearts together event if we walks separate roads of life

Jan, 13 2012     141 chars (1 sms)     815 views       Friendship

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The one who takes your hand but touches your heart is a true Friend
When a person can find sorrow behind ur smile, words behind ur silence & luv behind ur anger, u can believe u have found ur "Best buddy"
Walking alone is not very difficult … but it is hard when you are coming back alone after a long time of walking, talking and laughing with someone!
I chased love i found friendship,i chased desires i found hopes, i chased reality i found dreams,i chased a monkey and i found you.
HI CUTY!!! The seven magical colors of Joy, affection, Sorrow, Love, Care, Trust & Helping combines to form a colorful rainbow known as.....FrIeNdShIp...
Remember 'U', Remember 'S', Put it together and Remember 'US'.
A frnd is nevr a coincidence in ur life. They r meant 2 entr ur life 2 bring u joy & laughtr. So i'll treasure the frndshp between us..
Friends are of 2 types: One says"If you ever need anything, I will be there"Other says"You will never need anything as long as I'm there"
Friendship:whn u'll win, i'll proudly tell world, "Hey thts my friend"...But if you loose, i'll sit besides you n say,"Hey, i m ur friend"...So all the best to Win..
Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a door that is open to receive friends. And a garden full of memories.... of many good things
Friends may meet.,friends may scatter..But if hearts r loyal.. Distance never matter..Keep in touch so that, friendship grows better
Life is a book we all read it.. Friendship is a blessing we all need it.. Alwyz be happy alwz have a smile.. Remember in this world we r just for a while