If I die, plz

If I die, plz
If I die, plz take out my heart b4 burning my body & keep it safe bcoz I dont care 4 d heart but I care 4 those feelings for u inside my deep heart.

Jan, 19 2012     148 chars (1 sms)     1086 views       Love

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it hurts to see the one you love walk away. but what really hurts the most is when they let you believe that they loved you but they really never did
FiRsT NiTe, FiRsT SiGhT, I SaW, I KnEw, LoVe’s SwEEtEr ThAn MoUnTaiN DeW, A pRoMiSe I mAdE and’ WiLL kEEp, 2 LoVe YOU aLwAys~
People said tha any thing multiplied by zero,it becomes zero.......then why doesnt the same happen when i multiply zero with d distance betwn u n me
Love means understanding, not agreement; it means forgiveness, not forgetting; it means the memories last, even if contact is lost.
If U have the courage to love...! You have the courage to suffer
The best part of loving is not wishing that the person loves you as much as you do but in feeling that you love the person far more than you thought you could
Dont keep me in ur heart but keep me in ur brain..bcoz rehne ki jagah jitni khali-khali aur khuli ho rehne me utna maza aata hai:,
Learn to Love d people who r willing to Love u at present,4get d people d past and Thank dem 4 hurting u which let u to Love d people u have rite now!
Though many people will go in and out of your heart only one will want to stay there. If you bulid a heart full of holes, think how much easier it is to hang on.
Never Break Four things in you life-Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart becasue when they don"t make noise but pains a lot ?"
Don't go for looks, they can deceive Don't go for wealth even that fades away. Go for sum1 who makes u smile becoz only a smile makes a dark day seem bright..
When i say i love you, i mean i love you as you are i have no expectations, no selfish motives, no other desires than to let you know i really love you.