Go out on a

Go out on a
Go out on a rainy day and count how many rain drops fall and i'll tell u thats how much i miss u and care for u

Jan, 18 2012     111 chars (1 sms)     866 views       Love

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Knowing a person like u, has made me happy in a million ways and if ever I have to let u go... I would find a million reasons to make u stay. I miss you.
My 1 heart 2 eyes 7 litre blood 206 bones 5.5 million red cells 60 trillion D N A"s... says i love u"
Before meeting you I was nothing.. You taught me everything.. Now I have become something.. But I need you and your love in each and in every moment of my life.. !
Love is the answer that every one seeks. Love is the language that every heart speaks.
There are thousands of roses on this world, even if I gave you every rose to you, that would not be enough to tell you how much I love you!
When i found u,`i found the closest thing to heaven,`next to u`i found the deepest love i knew,`i believe this is true,`i found myself``wen i found you!!!
if you ` love s o m e o n e ` w i t h a l l y o u r h e a r t ` a n d y o u c a n n o t b e a r ` t o b e a p a r t , ` t e l l t h e m n o w ` b e f o r e i t ' s t o o l a t e ` b e c a u s e n o t e v e r y o n e ` h a s t h e p a t i e n c e t o w a i t . Ù
Sweetest Words Evr Said By Sm1 In True Lv:"I'm Jealous of d Ppl u evr Hugged,Coz4 a Moment dey Hold My World"
The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows all our flaws and differences yet still willingly embraces us with so much love.
Lov is wat can b felt not told... It can b given not sold.. It cums wen u least expect it ... N leaves u wen u most need it.. Ultimate truth…
LOVE is something beautiful,a desire,a feeling that one would like to catch.LOVE is the feeling that makes U feel alive.LOVE is something that may never go away.
U can hide d pain u feel & mke others blive dat u can move on but u cnt deny d truth dat d 1 who has hurt u is stil d 1 u'll chUse 2 luV.