When i say i

When i say i
When i say i love you, i mean i love you as you are i have no expectations, no selfish motives, no other desires than to let you know i really love you.

Jan, 18 2012     152 chars (1 sms)     828 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

Feeling Bored? THINK OF ME Feeling Sad? CALL ME Feeling Lonely? SEE ME Feeling Sleepy? DREAM OF ME
Under the sea, there lays a rock. In the rock, there is an envelope. In the envelope, there is a paper. On the paper, there are 3 words... 'I Miss You'
One day u"ll ask me what's more important to me, U or MY LIFE? I"say MY LIFE & U will walk away not even knowing that Friends like U r my life!
i hate u h=have i told lately dat i love u? A=always miss u . T=take u in my heart. E=every moment i cherish ur love.
Never say gud bye 2 sum1 who luv u.. Never say thanx who really need u.. Never blame a person who really trust u.. Never 4get a person who think u as LIFE..
If i would know that i’m gonna die tomorrow, i’ll spend 23 hours with u and if u wonder what about the last hour in that i’ll find someone who can take care of u love you always.
ts funny that all of the souls in this worls knows how i feel for you..but you it seems that ur the only one who doesnt have the clue.. i just wanna tell you what everybody knows and thats I LOVE YOU...
It takes a strong heart to love. It takes a stronger heart to continue to love after it has been hurt..
Affection is a medicine for any kind of wound... But there is no medicine found in the world for a wound given by affection...!
A bell is no bell until you ring it, a song is no song until you sing it & love in your heart wasn’t put there to stay-love isn’t love until you give it away.
ThRee seConDs t0 say i LoVe yoU...`3 hours to explain it...`aNd a LiFeTiMe 2 prove iT.
Do u knw wht mkes me hapi wen u txt me? Not ur Jokes,trivias or puzles,not ur 4warded messgs..but ur nme dat apirs wen it beeps. Tenkful sumhow U dont 4get me