if i died or

if i died or
if i died or travelled far, i'd write ur name on every star,so everyone could look up & see, dat u mean the world 2 me

Jan, 19 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     1092 views       Love

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This is a moon which learns from you, That is a sun which respects you, There are stars which shine for you, And here… It’s me who live for you
Love Is The Happiness Of Today, And Promise Of Tomorrow, So This Warm Note Comes To You, To Say That Live Life With A Heart Full Of Love
Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Know why? Coz you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.eyes get jealous of my heart. Know why? Coz you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.
Alone….. I’d be your shadow. Afraid….. Stay behind me.. Wanna cry…. Here is my shoulder… Need a hug…. I’d embrace you tight and say………….. What ever happens you have me!!
Liking U is my nature Missing U is my disappointment Fightng vid U is my Time pass Forgetting U is nvr in my life time.
Dont b afraid 2 expose yourself.Reach out and tell sum1 wot they mean 2 u coz when u decide its the right time it might b 2 late!
If I had the chance to know a secret, I wish to know all the things that give you happiness "coz there"s no other meaningful gift in this world than to see you happy..""
... That may appear as the truth to one personwill often appear as untruth to another person. But that need not worry theseeker. Where there is honest effort, it will be realized that what appearedto be different truths are like the countless and apparen
If, out of time, I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I'd pick the moment I met you.
Love can make you happy`but oftentimes it hurts;`but love is only special`when you give it to whom it's worth.
FRIENDS are like stars..... you do not ALWAYS SEE them but you know they are always there…
Do you know how lovely you are in the stars light of my heart...! u know..! we will together forever and i smile inside to know you are completely mine..