Poem Written by

Poem Written by
Poem Written by A boy Who lost his pArents by TsunAmi.."SeA! I will never Forgive u Anymore Even if ur wAves Touch my Feet Million Times"

Jan, 18 2012     137 chars (1 sms)     756 views       Love

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They say as long as at least one person cares for you, life isn't a waste. So when things go terribly wrong, and u feel like giving up, please remember u still got me.
Our heart feels much pain, when our beloved one moves so close to others than us! It's very painful! Dont Give That.
Do you ever recall d day we 1st met? our 1st helo? d day we bcame lovers? wel i do.i will alwys rmembr..4dat day,i knw ud b d bst gift il b keeping 4ever.
I thank God he sent you to me, For you and I were meant to be. We have a bond too strong to break, We have a love no one can take
To meet & depart is the way of life,But to depart & meet is the hope of life.We meet to create memories,But we depart to preserve it….
if i could have the chance, i'll ask you to dance or take you on a trip to france, but all i can is set myself in a trance where i can be with you in a glance.
U may miss me, You may ignore me, U may even forget me. But one day if you want to see me Do not search, just see your shadow. I will be there. Trust me!!!
A DOCTOR can save my life. A LAWYER can defend my life. A SOLDIER can give me a peaceful life. But only You can give me a MEANINGFUL LIFE.
A beautiful world can only be seen through d eyes of a happy heart.May u always have a happy heart 2 c the beauty dat God made especialy 4U
whnever d pages of my life end, u will b d mst memorabl chaptr of it n if i ever gt a chance 2 read it again i will open it frm d page wn u frst met me.
Help ever, Hurt never. love ever, hate never. give ever, expect never, smile ever, cry never, Msg me ever, forget me never.
When U love someone truly, U don’t look for faults, U don’t look for answers, U don’t look for mistakes. Instead, U fight the mistakes, U accept the faults and overlook the excuses.