To wish`is to

To wish`is to
To wish`is to wish for you.``To sleep`is to dream of you.``To live`is to wait for you.``To smile`is to think of you

Jan, 18 2012     115 chars (1 sms)     815 views       Love

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If i hav 2 describe true love den i would describe it as wt a snowman did 2a snowwoman .He gave her a warm hug n they both melted in each others arm.
A good person supposed 2 b loved, a good person supposed 2 b trusted, a good person supposed 2 b valued....A good person supposed 2 b U...luv U.
Go out on a rainy day and count how many rain drops fall and i'll tell u thats how much i miss u and care for u
Only true Love Understands...The Language Of Our Eyes... Only True Love Knows When...These Eyes Hide The Tears... Deep Within And How To...Make These Tears Die!!
Life is touch n go...Some people wil be there only for sometime,somewill go away,but,people who find u special,wil always find ways to stay..
When it hurts to look back and...! I am scared to look ahead...! I just look beside me and...! I know you'll be there...! because we love each other...! Far more than love itself...!!
Eyes spk more whn a heart strts listening 2 sum1 silently&life seems 2b more exiting whn sum1 starts reading thos eyes silently.
Beautiful "If u ever fail in love, then dont worry at all..Becoz it may be due to ur future, it's life partner's prayers..!
"Finding some1 to fall in luv wth is nice. Bt findng sum1 who would keep u falling even after U've fallen is irreplaceable.
Loving u is not just having a cup of coffee. It still takes me time to add in sugar and milk to make it sweeter and pure...
There is somebody in the world.Different from the rest. The sweetest person I knw.That's why I love u so much
Heart is equal to a mirror,Mirror shows reflection,and Heart shows affection.Both have one equal quality-cant be reformed once broken.