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I am looking for
I am looking for a word.I am looking for a whole new word.I am looking for a word. I am looking for a word that nobody knows. I am looking for a word. I am looking for a word that says...that you are the best. i love you

Jan, 18 2012     220 chars (2 sms)     819 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

How about givng ur heart 2 sum1 who wud lov 2 make u happy, who wud love to be loved by u. So how would u feel if i give my heart to U.
Talk 2 me wen I’m Bored, B with me wen i’m Sad, Hug me wen i Cry, Care 4 me wen i’m Sick, Don’t ever cry 4 me wen I die! Just treasure me wen I’m ALIVE.
Unsaid Words-Don't hate your loved ones for their mistakes...Who knows..the mistakes made maybe for your happiness to show their true love.
Love opens many doors, each wit a different view... But none could b more beautiful than de door dat leads 2 YOU. I LOVE YOU
If you love something set it free. if it returns it was meant to be. if it does not then it was never yours to begin with.
LoVe iS LiKe QuiCkSanD - ThE DeEpEr yOu FaLL iN iT ThE HaRdeR iT iS tO GeT OuT
Once U have loved,U will alwys love,For what's in ur mind may escape but whats in ur heart wil remain forevr.
For You SEE, Each Day I love You More Today More than Yesterday And Less Than Tomorrow
Your love is the song in my heart. The sunshine in my sky. The promise of my world. The centre of my universe
i heard sm1 say`dt f wshes`dnt cUm trU``d sky wud CRY..``1nyt,`i t0t of wshn up0n dem`i wsH dt`he wUd jz b`myn agn`bt jZ b4 i`cLosd d`wnd0w 2sLip```it rained..
D most butifl thing is 2c a perosn smilingevn mor butifl is knowing dat u r d reasn bhind it.B a reasn 4othrs smile
I've 2 tell U sumthing, but i dont wanna upset U. My doc has found stones in my liver, sand in my kidney... n... U in my HEART ! ! !