Sea is never large,

Sea is never large,
Sea is never large, but sight of our viewing is larger. No one's Love is lesser but our expectations are higher.

Jan, 18 2012     112 chars (1 sms)     737 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

Trees Are Tall, Branches Are Small, But My Love For You, Is Greatest Than All
The Biggest Similarity bout ur First Love & First Drop of Rain is; That how much even U try 2 Escape from it..! It Catches U..!!
Tym can heal all wounds. Tym can give u another chance, tym can help u forget, time can let u move on but tym can never giv back wat has already ended
Dont belive n dstiny.We shud think of reality. if u really luv dat prsn,u shud fyt 4 it coz dstny is jz an xcuse of LeTTiNG thngs happen insted of MaKiNG thngs hapen!
sum ppl luv w/o rly wshn 2b 2gdr.`sum ppl leav nt rly wilng 2 let go.`i luv nt 2b luvd bak.`i leav nt coz il b folowd.`i luv cz i luv,`i leav cz i hv 2 let go.
Love is just like life, its not always easy and does not always bring happiness. but when we do not stop living why should we stop loving
if one star will fall everytime i miss you... all stars will be out of the sky now.... so if ever there will be no stars tonight it's all your fault..... u made me miss you so much!!!!
"Finding some1 to fall in luv wth is nice. Bt findng sum1 who would keep u falling even after U've fallen is irreplaceable.
Love is like a CD Track that links our hearts together and if you ever break that CD you will break my heart.
is for red. RED: is for blood BLOOD: is for heart HEART: is for love is for you YOU: is for me ME: is for you. (((I MISS YOU)))
if msgS coMe at D wrNg TyM, Sory 4 d DsTrBnCe. & weN Ur fone beepS onLy 2 fND oUt it'S me, hoPe uR Not disapoiNtd, im jst sm1 hU Cares & misSeS U!Ð831:``8 letters`3 words`1 meaning...```i love you.
Love Is Juz Like 4 Seasons.. Spring - New Love Is Blooming When U First Met Each Other Summer - Falling In Love N The Relationship Running Hot Autumn - A Stage When Some Feelings Just Start 2 Fade Winter - Cold War N Fights But The True 1 Will Survive