You greeted me hi, I didn"t reply. You gave me a sweet smile, I responded with a sigh. You showed me your love, you received a shrug. But when you bid goodbye I began to cry."
u hurt a true heart in luv as many times u want,it wont stop lovin u.but if u cheat a true heart it wont hurt or hate u but it wont dare 2 luv u again.
Tell me that you love me But only if it"s true Hold me in your arms Never let me go Kiss me on my lips So sweet and slow Tell me that you love me But only if it"s true Cause let me tell you something I"m so in love with you."""
If sumone throws a stone towards u, throw luv towards him but if sumone throw luv towards u, then sit for a while & think coz luv hurts more than stone.
Life gave me`a lot of thngs 2 learn,`thiNgs i sHud kp`& Let go.`thNgs 2 4gt`& smtyMs rgrt,`i got hurt & cryd`bt y sHd i cry?`wn u r stL hr`2 rmNd me 2``sMyL!
Let`s share the world. A sea is for you, and waves are for me. The sky is for you, and stars are for me. The sun is for you, and light is for me. Everything is for you, and you are for me