Something in your

Something in your
Something in your smiles something in your smiles speaks to me, something in your voice sings to me, something in your eyes says to me, that you are dearest to me.

Apr, 26 2013     163 chars (2 sms)     1021 views       Love

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What greater thing is thr for two human souls tat 2feel tat they r strengthen each b at one wth eachothr in silent unspeakable memories.
Why do I text you? It's my choice. It's my way of saying I remember you. Why do I remember you? It's my choice. It proves that I care. Why do I care? I don't know, it's not my choice but my heart's.
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LOVE comes again & again for those;Who know what LIFE is.!!LOVE comes only once for those; Who know what LOVE is.!!
Love not one, Love not two Love the one who loves u true, Love not three, Love not four Love the one who loves u more, Love not five, Love not six Love the one who really sticks, Love not seven, Love not eight Love the one who really waits
Shortest word is I. Sweetest word is LOVE. Cutest person is U.
D word s ' i l u v u ' ` d 0 n t c o m e ` f r m d L i P S , ` ` i t c 0 m e s ` f r m d H e a R T , ` ` d 0 e s n t ` h a v e ` 2 b ` t o l d , ` ` i t h a s ` 2 b ` s h 0 w n . . ` D o e s n t ` h v e ` 2 b ` g i v e n , ` ` i t h a s ` 2 b e . . ` ` P R o v e N .
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Three words made my heart beat faster!Three words made my legs shake!Three words made my head spin!Three words..I LOVE U
Curved high on a mountain covered in dew... I saw these 3 words... I LOVE YOU!
Love begins with a smile... Endures with happiness... And dies with a tear