Can you see

Can you see
Can you see me? no? Turn around, can you see me now? no? Turn again, can you see me now? I can see you because you have a special place in my heart!

Jan, 18 2012     148 chars (1 sms)     799 views       Love

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When you feel cold and warm at the same time, when you read over the same line for the tenth time, when your heart and thoughts somehow appear to rhyme, and when a simple name conquers your whole mind, then you are in deep trouble my friend… You are “LOVE”, We call it the hard time !!
I cannot forget u. It takes a minute to have a crush, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
There is night so we can appreciate day, Sorrow so we can appreciate joy, Evil so we can appreciate good... You so I can appreciate Love.
'I Trust You' is a better compliment than 'I Love You' because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust.
I m a paper, you can write ur feeling, Scribble ur anger, Use me 2 absorb ur tears, Dont throw me after use, But When u feel cold I wil burn myself to warm you
There r 2 ways of being united – By being frozen 2gether or being melted 2gether. Its better 2 b melted in luv than 2 b frozen in differences.
When the situation gets you down, remember theres someone in heaven who loves you and watches over you.`and there is someone on earth who cares for you.``i do.
its wrong 4 me 2 say dat i cnt liv w/o u coz i hav livd my lyf b4 i knew instd of syin dat,id rder tel u dis... "i wud liv a betTr lyf..w/u by my side!"
To meet & depart is the way of life,But to depart & meet is the hope of life.We meet to create memories,But we depart to preserve it….
The smallest word is I, the sweetest word is LOVE and the dearest person in the world is you. that?s why I like you
Golden Facts of Life:-When someone loves U,U dont realise it...When U realise it,Its too late,U always love the one who leaves U & Leave the one who loves U…
L is for lust O is for over v is for very loveable e is for ever the 4 signs of love