Love so much

Love so much
Love so much my heart is sure. As time goes on I love you more, Your happy smile. Your loving face no one will ever take your place.

Jan, 18 2012     132 chars (1 sms)     813 views       Love

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Tension happens in brain, n Lov is felt in heart. Den Y do ppl get heart attck wen dey r tensd & get mad wen dey r in love?
I think of u, U too think of me.. But the differnce is, when I think of u, I send u message.. U think of me after recieving my message!
SpeCiaL PeRsons" are part of our memories dat time can NeVeR erase . & wen i ' m blessed with a person like u ,my memories are worth keeping forever!
LoVe iS LiKe QuiCkSanD - ThE DeEpEr yOu FaLL iN iT ThE HaRdeR iT iS tO GeT OuT
'I Trust You' is a better compliment than 'I Love You' because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust.
my hart s made 2 luv u, my lips are made 2 kis u, my eyes r made 2 c u, my hands r made 2 hold u .....evry part of me wants u, maybe bcoz i was made just 4 u!!
It takes a strong heart to love. It takes a stronger heart to continue to love after it has been hurt..
True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen.
I've 2 tell U sumthing, but i dont wanna upset U. My doc has found stones in my liver, sand in my kidney... n... U in my HEART ! ! !
Real tears of love are not those that fall from the eyes and cover the face..But those that fall from the Heart and cover the soul..
Lonely? no, how can I be lonely when you are always in my thoughts. I wake up with you and go to sleep with you. I love you!!
If someone throws a stone towards you, throw love towards him but if someone throw love towards you, then sit for a while & think becoz love hurts more than stone.