Love so much

Love so much
Love so much my heart is sure. As time goes on I love you more, Your happy smile. Your loving face no one will ever take your place.

Jan, 18 2012     132 chars (1 sms)     824 views       Love

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Aapko miss kiya ek heartbt miss ho gayi, Phir miss kiya to yaad aaya ek kiss miss ho gayi, Socha ke ab miss na karu, To jana miss na kiya to samjho life miss ho gayi!
FYT 4UR LOVE, dats ol dey say.LET HER KNOW & DON't LET HER GO, so what dey think of. IT WUD WORK OUT is dey beliv in. SET UR HART FREE, its wat they see. but how can i......wen 4u ITS NEVER ME?!!!
The Sweetest Way 2 Propose"Excuse Me,Do You Have A Band Aid?Becoz I Hurt My Knee When I Fell In Love With U.."
I have a pair of Eyes But can’t See U every day. I have a pair of Ears But can’t hear your voice every time. But I have only 1 heart that cares 4 u every day……!
Luving in Favorable Conditions is Nothing Great, Accepting da Pain Coming with it n Still Luving is Truly a Blessing. Have a Blessed Heart.
Heart is equal to a mirror,Mirror shows reflection,and Heart shows affection.Both have one equal quality-cant be reformed once broken.
look...the moon is calling u ...see the stars r shining for u..hear my heart says: may god build for u a castle in heaven and made u eat from its fruits !!!!
u dnt hav 2 ask f i care. in evry word u say, fil free2tel ur worries & realyz dt im hir..4 now 4 always & 4evr 4u exclusvely…
To meet & depart is the way of life,But to depart & meet is the hope of life.We meet to create memories,But we depart to preserve it….
Do u knw wht mkes me hapi wen u txt me? Not ur Jokes,trivias or puzles,not ur 4warded messgs..but ur nme dat apirs wen it beeps. Tenkful sumhow U dont 4get me
If the people we love are stolen away from us the only way to have them live on is to never stop lovin’them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever…
Wen u hav a Reason to Like Some1 it means ur mind Likes it When u hav no Reason for Liking Some1 it Means ur Heart Likes it!