The longest distance in the world is not measured by how far apart we are, but measured by how I am just beside you and yet you don’t know that - I love you.
I want my eyes to be your eyes so you could see how wonderful you are, I want my heart to be your heart so you could feel how much you mean to me, and I want my ear to be your ear so you could hear me whisper "I love you."
if we lose love`we lose it`4 a rison.`dat reason`may b hard`2 undrstnd`bt watevr`it is`we jz`hav 2 blieve`dat God takes away`whn He has`somethin beter`to giv
always remind urself`dt d best way 2 luv`s 2 giv luv as a gift--`freely,`willingly`& w/o expectation.`d purpose of loving`s nt 2 b luvd back,`bt simply 2 luv!