what's love?? Those

what's love?? Those
what's love?? Those who dont know call it 'RESPONSIBILITY!' Those who play call it ''GAME ''! Those who dont have it call it ''Dream'' Those who understand call it'' LIFE!''

Jan, 18 2012     173 chars (2 sms)     777 views       Love

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Two Tear Drops TalkiNg!I'm d Teardrop Of A Guy Who Loved N Never Xpressed!& U?I'm The Teardrop Of The Girl Who Was WaitiNg For Him!
If u drop me i ill break if u hold me i ill shake if u need me i ill hurry if u don't call me i ill worry if u hurt me i ill cry but if u leave me i ill die.
I may not talk dat much 2 u but,u'll find me waiting,every minute just 2 listen,2 every piece of ur heart saying!I Love U
its wrong 4 me 2 say dat i cnt liv w/o u coz i hav livd my lyf b4 i knew u.so instd of syin dat,id rder tel u dis... "i wud liv a betTr lyf..w/u by my side!"
If I could die early I would ask God if I could be your guardian angel, so I could wrap my wings around you and embrace you whenever you feel alone.
wen some1 means more than ur life 2 u, wen u feel that u cant even past 1 sec without he/she, wen u can do anything to get he/she, than u r in lov.
Life Says Enjoy ME,Time Says Use ME,LUv Says Feel ME,Frdsp Says Trust ME,And 'I' Say Dont Forget 'ME'
Don't give password of our Love and friendship to anybody, Because if u will say this password "I LOVE U" It means he will hack u from me and u will go out from my hands.
Real tears of love are not those that fall from the eyes and cover the face..But those that fall from the Heart and cover the soul..
When I look at U, I can't deny there is God.. Becoz only God could have created someone as wonderful and beautiful as U.. I love U.
I looked at a sweet, beautiful rose, and then I looked at you, and I kept looking at you, for the rose isn't as beautiful as you. 2
If only one star would fall every time I miss you, then all the stars in heaven would be gone. Don't wonder if there are no stars tonight! It's your fault coz you made me miss you a lot.