what's love?? Those

what's love?? Those
what's love?? Those who dont know call it 'RESPONSIBILITY!' Those who play call it ''GAME ''! Those who dont have it call it ''Dream'' Those who understand call it'' LIFE!''

Jan, 18 2012     173 chars (2 sms)     763 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never
Love so much my heart is sure. As time goes on I love you more, Your happy smile. Your loving face no one will ever take your place.
AlwAyS TrY YouR BesT tO GeT WaTeVeR YoU LovE...OtHeRwIsE... YoU WiLL bE FoRceD tO LovE WaTeVeR YoU GeT..
Smokers have smoking heart, Drinkers have an alcoholoic heart. I request you Plz don't eat sugar coz u aready have a Sweet Heart
I always think of You as the Sun.I pray your Dreams Will Shine on all men.EVRYthing you Desire will Come True and I will ALWAYS Love You and be with You.
The way u look into my eyes, it scares me, The way u say I Luv U, it scares me, The way u know just what to say, it scares me, The ways u scare me I luv it.
Love is the answer that every one seeks. Love is the language that every heart speaks.
it hurts to see the one you love walk away. but what really hurts the most is when they let you believe that they loved you but they really never did
Ur the one i love.the one I need. but bad mistakes Ive done indeed.in search for forgivness and happyness too. I want to say that I love u
Devote time to enjoy; it's the secret of youth. Devote time for friends; it’s the path to happiness. Devote time to luv n b loved; it's the source of pleasure.
Love does not diminish Or rust and fade with years But gains its strength from time Laughter, joy and tears
I'll lend you my shoulder for you to cry on, my ears to listen to, my hand for you to hold, my feet to walk with you, but I can't lend you my heart coz it already belongs to you.