Easy ways to

Easy ways to
Easy ways to die- 1.Hav cigar daily-u'll die 10yrs early2.hav drinks daily-die 30yrs early.3.love anyone truely & die daily......

Jan, 18 2012     129 chars (1 sms)     788 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

Naraz hone se pehle khata bata dena aansu nikalne se pehle hansna sikha dena agar zindagi me mujhse dur jana hai to pehle bina sans liye jina sikha dena
Hearts could only love for a while, feets could only walk for some miles, clothes won't 4ever be in style, but having U as my 'lover' is 4ever worthwhile....
A beautiful msg::I'm dead but my soul is in u,My eyes r open but I dream of u,I'm d best but nothing without u,Take care of my heart.it beats in u.
They sAy,"Never Expect Anything in return Frm any1"But the truth is wen v reAlly Luv Sum 1V nAturAlly Expect a Little cAre Frm Thm
Mobiles are irritating………………. Rings every now and then…………. Recharge the battery……. Message get delayed………………but one thing I love about it is…… it connects me and u
If the world was made of paper and the sea of ink, I would write everywhere that I like you!
Loving u is not just having a cup of coffee. It still takes me time to add in sugar and milk to make it sweeter and pure...
if u love me like u told me,then please be careful with my heart. you can take it but do not break it or my world will fall apart
If i could be an angel, i would make ur every wish come true. But im only human, just a girl who's lovin u!!!
Roses are waiting for hours, need one touch of yours. my life is like a rose, need one love dose. flowers grows with love & sunshine, & i'll live till you remain mine
Love begins with a smile... Endures with happiness... And dies with a tear
What I need to live has been given to me by the earth. Why I need to live has been given to me by you. Luv U!