miles & tym cnt stp wt we hv. ts a bond dt lsts aftr evrytn els n my lyf hs gone wrng.we myt b bth bc doin wt we hv2do, bt f evr ul nid me, il alwys b arnd 4uÜ
love doesnt ask who r u? love only says u r mine. love doesnt ask where r u from? love only says U live in my heart. love doesnt ask what do u do? love only says U make my heart beat. love doesnt ask why r u far away? love only says u r always with me. love doesnt ask Do u love me? love only says I LOVE U.
The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it would be almost equally sad to leave this world without ever telling those you love.
U may miss me, You may ignore me, U may even forget me. But one day if you want to see me Do not search, just see your shadow. I will be there. Trust me!!!
I’m not sure what life could bring… I’m not sure if dreams come true, I’m not sure what love can do… but am very sure about one thing “ I like u a a lot”…