Curved high on

Curved high on
Curved high on a mountain covered in dew... I saw these 3 words... I LOVE YOU!

Jan, 19 2012     78 chars (1 sms)     945 views       Love

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Wn it cms 2 luv, its hard 2 know f u hve d ryt 1. Many lovers weep, and left n sorrow.y?Bcoz WoRDS cant iMMoRTaLiZe emotions.
My eyes are blind without your eyes to see, Like a rose without color. Always be there in my life sweetheart
If I die, plz take out my heart b4 burning my body & keep it safe bcoz I dont care 4 d heart but I care 4 those feelings for u inside my deep heart.
Love is gr8, love is fine, it picks u up wen u r down, i love u and i always will, uve filled a space no one can fill.
As i lay 2 rest ma head, i"d say a prayer 2 end e day. N if i die b4 i wake,4give me 4 ma sins or wad eva tat hurt u in anyway!
No one escapes from love, No one escapes from love, Neither the rich nor poor, Because it takes to satisfy a heart, We feel we’ll never be apart.
The person whom u love the most breaks ur heart and leavesEven after years wen u see that person,ur heart misses a beat..Hard but TRUE..
I would give up happines to never see you sad, I would give up eternity to be with you always, I would give up my life so that yours would be new... I'd give up everything... except you...
When I look at U, I can't deny there is God.. Becoz only God could have created someone as wonderful and beautiful as U.. I love U.
jst whn questions seemd endles`it sudnly bcame clear.`u came nt 2 luv me`bt 2 teach me`hw 2 luv`den u walkd away`w/o any idea`hw mch iv lernd`&Hw much it hurts
Golden Facts of Life:-When someone loves U,U dont realise it...When U realise it,Its too late,U always love the one who leaves U & Leave the one who loves U…
if you ` love s o m e o n e ` w i t h a l l y o u r h e a r t ` a n d y o u c a n n o t b e a r ` t o b e a p a r t , ` t e l l t h e m n o w ` b e f o r e i t ' s t o o l a t e ` b e c a u s e n o t e v e r y o n e ` h a s t h e p a t i e n c e t o w a i t . Ù